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As a company dedicated to superior quality, performance and results, Sirena is the only vacuum/cleaning system to have earned all of these difficult to obtain industry certifications. These important certifications cover key areas such as allergen removal, soil removal, dust contamination and more. 


Asthma and Allergy Recommended / Go Green:

Sirena is a vacuum cleaner of choice for people suffering from asthma and/or allergies.

Rated "GOLD" By The Carpet And Rug Institute:

Sirena meets and exceeds the highest standards for soil removal, dust containment, and fiber protection.

Awarded "Space Technology" Badge By The Space Foundation:

Sirena uses materials and technologies originally developed for space exploration.

Certified with the ECARF Seal Of Quality By The European Centre for Allergy Research Foundation:

Sirena meets and exceeds the ECARF standards for allergy-friendly products.

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